Monday, May 14, 2007

Identity Theft - Five Major Types

Hello and welcome to The Scary Face of Identity Theft. My name is Jeffrey Omtvedt and I am a Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist. The goal of this blog is to educate the community on what Identity Theft truly is. Forget what you've seen on TV and the majority of what you have read because most pundits and reporters only cover one fifth of the problem, the financial side. To understand Identity Theft, you must first realize there are Five Major Types.

The Five Major Types of Identity Theft

Driver’s License Identity Theft

Thieves use your information to acquire a driver’s license in your name or claim to be you during a traffic stop

You could receive DWI, DUI, and other driving-related charges

Your driving privileges could be suspended or revoked

You could be arrested during a routine traffic stop for crimes you did not commit

Social Security (SSN) Identity Theft

Thieves use your SSN Identity to gain employment or to report income under your name

Thieves take the income, but don’t pay the taxes, leaving you with the bill

Wanted criminals use your SSN Identity so they can get employment without being found

Illegal immigrants use your SSN Identity to gain employment.

Thieves and Criminals use your SSN for employment, medical, financial, criminal, school, and other purposes.

Medical Identity Theft

Thieves use your information for insurance benefits, Rx, Medicare, Medicaid benefits, or for medical tests

Your rates could go up or your coverage could be cancelled or used up

You could owe thousands of dollars for a procedure you never had

You could be unable to obtain medical or life insurance, other coverage, and/or employment because of conditions that you do not have (AIDS, Diabetes etc…)

Character / Criminal Identity Theft

Thieves mask their criminal activity behind your identity

You could be arrested

You could be denied employment because of fraudulent criminal records found during routine background checks

Security checkpoints at airports could become a nightmare for you

You could be denied a passport and be barred from leaving the country

Financial Identity Theft

Thieves use your information to open new accounts or to gain access to existing accounts

Thieves rob your accounts

They rack up outrageous charges on credit cards, take out new loans, and more

They destroy your credit, forcing you to pay higher rates

You can absolutely be held responsible for the debts incurred by the thieves in your name


Anonymous said...

Wow, I did not realize id theft was like this. Thanks for the information. How can I protect myself?

Anonymous said...


You've done it again! You never cease to amaze me. Folks, you will probably never find another individual as knowledgeable as Jeffrey on Identity Theft. Believe everything you see and hear on this site that he posts. Keep up the great work Jeffrey and, with the proper education, we CAN change the face of identity theft through proper education and ACTION!

Aaron Hillyer