Thursday, June 28, 2007

Lost Wallet = Identity Theft and Jail Time

Folks, the stories are starting to come in and the misconceptions are being debunked. A man in in St. Petersburg lost his wallet and it landed him in jail after someone tried to cash a check in his name. A big thank you to Thomas Lake, a reporter for The St. Petersburg Times, who did a tremendous amount of research and wrote a fantastic piece. Although I have never met Thomas, it is journalist like him who will help lift the veil and show the reality of this insidious crime.

"Costly Mistakes"

"A forgotten wallet leads to an error-riddled check fraud investigation. The cost to a man, his family and their community could be immeasurable."

Published June 3, 2007

TAMPA -- "When it was over he stood in the laundromat, by the clothing revolving in fresh-scented soap, and he sighed as he thought of the dream that washed away."

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