Monday, February 25, 2008

Consumer Product Alert - Identity Theft - LifeLock not all it's cracked up to be

If you are looking for a product to help detect identity theft, I am sure you have heard the advertisements from a company claiming they can lock down your life. First of all, I firmly disagree with the notion that identity theft is 100% preventable. I would ask this company "How can locking down my credit (which is something you can do you on your own by the way) going to prevent someone from committing a crime is my name or getting a job using my social security number?" The answer is it doesn't.

First warning sign on LifeLock:
They don't fully understand identity theft.

Check out our earlier post that illustrates why Identity Theft is so much more that just your credit cards or finances.


Second warning sign on LifeLock:
The CEO had his identity stolen!!!!!


Third warning sign on LifeLock:
The co-founder stepped down due to questions raised about his "ethics".


Fourth warning sign on LifeLock
They are being sued by one of the major credit agencies.


I am usually not one to publicly denounce a company like this but as an expert in the industry, I just can't remain passive on this one. If you are looking for a product, don't buy LifeLock.


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